The Cloche Customer Experience

Manage your own meal experience

Order and enjoy! easer, faster and without any interruptions

How?                         2 min

Get a personalized menu

Get your choices tailored for your eating restrictions  and preferences

Coming Soon

Control hoy much time you need on the menu and order when you are ready

Take your time browsing

Enjoy without interrputions

Get help or extra items whenever you like without having to be interrupted

Coming Soon

Never have to wait for the check again, split payments how you prefer and save on tips!

Pay with as soon as you like,  no wait

Coming Soon

Take  control of your order

Dont wait, just browse, add, change items as you like

Focus on Enjoying

Don’t need to be interrupted… unless you want to

No more waiting

No waiting for the bill, no waiting for a glass of water  

Save on tips

Cloche allows restaurant staff fo serve more tables, easier.

© 2023 Cloche Restaurant Services Inc.